

Writing Class in Kevin Davies’ Comp.

Jonathan Fedors on Comp.

Anti-rhetorical rhetoricality thus involves the ideologically slanted reversal of an idiomatic phrase: missing the trees of material words for the forest of meaning. In this world, the profits of deforestation accrue by virtue of a willful forgetting of the role each tree plays in stabilizing atmospheric CO2 levels. A sufficient obscurity of existing social relations justifies post-secondary conscription into the professional-managerial sociolect, in the name of preparing students to become productive members of society.


Winch & Young @ Bridge Street 10/29

Please join us

Sunday, October 29th @ 7 PM

for a reading by


Geoffrey Young is the author of Fickle Sonnets, Lights Out, Admiral Fever, Pockets of Wheat, Rocks and Deals, and Subject to Fits. He lives in the Berkshires where he runs The Geoffrey Young Gallery, an art space celebrated in such publications as Artforum and The New York Times. Publisher's Weekly writes of his recent book Lights Out: "Young's great strength, like that of his compadres Michael Gizzi and Clark Coolidge, is his updated use of Kerouac's "spontaneous bop prosody," an intricate and seemingly improvised incantation of word and syllable whipped up to ecstatic length." Young is also publisher of The Figures-- one of the most important literary presses of the last thirty years.

Terence Winch is the author of three books of poetry: The Drift of Things, The Great Indoors, and Irish Musicians/American Friends. His most recent book, That Special Place: New World Irish Stories, is a collection of non-fiction stories drawn from his life as a musician playing traditional Irish music with Celtic Thunder-- a band he started with his brother Jesse in 1977. Celtic Thunder's second album, The Light of Other Days, won the prestigious INDIE award for Best Celtic Album. His writings have appeared in more than 20 anthologies of poetry, prose, and non-fiction, and in journals and newspapers such as The Paris Review, New American Writing, American Poetry Review, Arshile, Shiny, Verse, The Washington Post, The Washingtonian, and The Village Voice.

Bridge Street Books
2814 Pennsylvania Ave.
(202) 965-5200

Located in Georgetown next to the Four Seasons Hotel, 5 blocks from the Foggy Bottom Metro station (blue & orange lines).

Upcoming Bridge Street Readings:
Nov 5th - Amy King & Ron Padgett
Nov 19th - Charles Bernstein


Leslie Scalapino reports from Cambridge

Leslie Scalapino report on Cambridge conference at Elizabeth Treadwell's blog Secret Mint.

The Grand Piano

Publication announcement and subscription offer!

An Experiment in Collective Autobiography
San Francisco, 1975-1980

by Bob Perelman, Barrett Watten, Steve Benson, Carla
Harryman, Tom Mandel, Ron Silliman, Kit Robinson,
Lyn Hejinian, Rae Armantrout, and Ted Pearson

THE GRAND PIANO is an on-going experiment in collective autobiography by ten writers identified with Language Poetry in San Francisco. It takes its name from a coffeehouse at 1607 Haight Street, where from 1976-79 the authors took part in a reading and performance series. The writing project was undertaken as an online collaboration, first via an interactive web site and later through a listserv. When completed, THE GRAND PIANO will comprise ten parts, in each of which the ten authors will appear in a difference sequence.

"Like the early avant-gardes, the people who gathered at the Grand Piano developed not only an exacting and liberating poetics, but also a way of living-in-art. Its chronicle here is many things, among them a deeply human and amusing map to building community through literature in this most unlikely of times. --Cole Swenson

Part 1 is scheduled to appear November 2006, with subsequent volumes to be published at three-month intervals. Subscription to the entire series of ten volumes is now available for $90 (individual volumes for $12.95 each) directly from Lyn Hejinian, 2639 Russell Street, Berkeley, CA 94705. For subscription order form: (color) (black and white)

Designed and published by Barrett Watten, Mode A/This Press (Detroit), 6885 Cathedral Drive, Bloomfield Twp., MI 48301. Distributed (individual orders and trade) by Small Press Distribution, Inc., 1341 Seventh Street, Berkeley, CA 94710-1408. ISBN 978-0-9790198-0-X (part 1), 80 pp., wrappers.


Tool a Magazine

Poems by Buck Downs and Kaia Sand in the latest Tool.